Pumpkin Milk Shake

This fruit is called “Sitafal” in Bombay. In north it is called “Sharifa”. In north pumpkin is called Sitafal. Soon after moving to Bombay I say Sitafal milkshake on the menu of a restaurant. I just couldn’t understand why would anyone want to drink pumpkin flavored milk. I noticed that this was not limited to just one restaurant but is available in almost all eating joints selling milkshakes. When I couldn’t bear it anymore, I asked someone what exactly it is and then only I found out what it is.
Is it part of the coconut family?
Its not fair to tease us like this....
I hope you know about the male version, Ramfal :) I like eating both of them!
I have eaten Ramfal too and prefer it more than the sitafa because it has more pulp and les pips. The only problem is that it is available for a very
short period.
This fruit is not in the coconut family. This has a soft shell and inside it has white coloured sweet pulp and it is full of pips.
Have any of you had Sitaphal Kulfi & Sitaphal with cream its available at most of the Shiv Sagar's and haji Ali Juice Centre.
Hey thanks for your post. I just had this argument with 2 of my North Indian friends who kept saying Sitafal is pumpkin. But I live in Mumbai so I said no, it's custard apple. So I googled and hit upon your post. :)
Interesting fruit! Have never heard of it. Cool shot!
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